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Mur des Reformateurs / Reformation Wall

Mur des Reformateurs / Reformation Wall

Wall of the Reformation was built in 1909 in the University of Geneva. It is a monumental building, a length of 100 meters. The building is made ​​of white stone and decorated with numerous statues. 

Place for the erection of this monument was not chosen by chance. After all, the founder of the University of Geneva has been the recognized leader of the Reformation - John Calvin. 

On the wall engraved with the motto of the Reformation, which translated from Latin means "After darkness light." Tourist entrance to the campus is free, so anyone can enjoy this unique creation. 

Get to the wall of the Reformation can be on city trams number 12, 13 and 14, to go to the station to Pont-d'Arve. 


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