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Oratory of St. Salvatore (Torre)
Colle of S. Salvatore, Torre 6717, Ticino, Switzerland
Oratory of St. Pietro (Torre)
frazione Grumo, Torre 6717, Ticino, Switzerland
Oratory of St. Antonio da Padova
In Paeis, Castro 6723, Ticino, Switzerland
Oratoriyi Ingerio
frazione di Ingerio, Torre 6717, Ticino, Switzerland
Oratory of Assunta
Zona Carbonico, Ponto Valentino 6724, Ticino, Switzerland
Oratory of St. Bernardino and Giovanni
Zona Cumiasca, Corzoneso 6722, Ticino, Switzerland
Oratori nelle "ville"
12 Strada Cantonale, Malvaglia 6713, Ticino, Switzerland
Lanfogti House
41 In Paeis, Castro 6723, Ticino, Switzerland
Cappella nel fondovalle
In Paeis, Lottigna 6716, Ticino, Switzerland
S. Rocco chapel
Area Largario, Largario 6724, Ticino, Switzerland
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