All about
Lebern district:
administrative center of district, city
- Balm bei Günsberg
- Bellach
- Bettlach
- Feldbrunnen-St. Niklaus
- Flumenthal
- Günsberg
- Hubersdorf
- Kammersrohr
- Langendorf
- Lommiswil
- Oberdorf
- Riedholz
- Rüttenen
- Selzach
Bad Attisholz (18th century)
4, Attisholzstrasse, Riedholz, Solothurn, Schweiz
Forest Tower (former hunting lodge, 16th century), with farm buildings (1710)
4, Höhenstrasse, Riedholz, Solothurn, Schweiz
Manor Glutzenhof (1670) with a chapel
2, Ischenhof, Rüttenen, Solothurn, Schweiz
Old Mill
Dorfstrasse, Selzach, Solothurn, Schweiz
Old Schoolhouse
1, Turnerweg, Selzach, Solothurn, Schweiz
Manor Staalenhof (17th century)
Staalenhof, Langendorf, Solothurn, Schweiz
Сity Archives
12 Bielstrasse, Grenchen 2540, Solothurn, Switzerland
Bachtelenbad (1818)
3 Hubelweg, Grenchen 2540, Solothurn, Switzerland
Former Kaplan House
210 Allerheiligenstrasse, Grenchen 2540, Solothurn, Switzerland
School House I (1844/46)
17 Bielstrasse, Grenchen 2540, Solothurn, Switzerland
Categories of the places