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Sense district:
Apartment Buildings Flamatt 1 and 2
Neueneggstrasse 6–10, Wünnewil-Flamatt, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Chapel of St. Beatus
Sensebrück 21, Wünnewil-Flamatt, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
De Weck Country Mansion
Bluemisberg 3, Wünnewil-Flamatt, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Sigristen House
Kirchweg 2, Tafers, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Geretach 2 B, St. Ursen, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Farm House of Joseph von der Weid
Römerswil 5, St. Ursen, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Farm House of the Wirt, Wilhelm Vonlanthen
Bahnhofstrasse 1, Schmitten, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Pilgrimage Chapel of Our Lady
Mariahilf 7, Düdingen, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Pilgrimage Chapel
St. Wolfgang 25, Düdingen, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
Landsitz von Montenach
Balliswil 3, 5, Düdingen, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland
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