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Case di Sotto, House & Breakfast, Locarno

Case di Sotto, House & Breakfast
Set in 2 traditional Ticino-style buildings, 2 km from Locarno and Lake Maggiore, Case di Sotto House & Breakfast offers free WiFi, a terrace with a panoramic view of the lake and an on-site wine cellar.

Опис номерів

Holiday Home - Casa Rossa
Each room at this unit comes with a private bathroom with a shower or a bathtub. The 2 living rooms feature a flat-screen TV and the dining room also provides a fireplace. 2 balconies offering a panoramic view of Lake Maggiore and Locarno, and direct garden access are also available. Please note that if the apartment is booked for 2 guests, 1 bedroom is available. If the apartment is booked for 4 guests, 2 bedrooms are available. If the apartment is booked for 5 guests, 3 bedrooms are available.

Holiday Home - Casa Blu
This house comes with a private bathroom with a shower and a flat-screen TV. It also features a seating area with a fireplace and a sofa. 2 balconies and a small roofed terrace offering a panoramic view of Lake Maggiore and Locarno, and direct garden access are also provided.

Holiday Home - Garçonnière
This unit comes with a bedroom, a bathroom with a shower, a living room with a fireplace, a dining area and direct access to the garden. The 2 floors are connected via an outdoor staircase.



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