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Montagne Alternative, Orsières

Montagne Alternative
Located in the small village of Commeire in the heart of the Valais, Montagne Alternative offers stylish and eco-friendly lodge accommodation. It offers yoga classes and massage treatments. Free WiFi is provided.

Опис номерів

Шале (для 6 дорослих)
This chalet comprises a south-facing terrace, 3 en-suite bedrooms, a living and dining room, a fully equipped kitchen, a reading room, a cloakroom and a laundry room with washing and drying machines. It also comes with a steam bath and internet connection.

Шале (8 дорослих)
This chalet consists of south and east-facing balconies, 4 en-suite bedrooms, a living and dining room, a fully equipped kitchen, a cloakroom and a laundry room with washing and drying machines. It features an internet connection.

Шале (для 10 дорослих)
This chalet includes a living room, a fully equipped kitchen with a dining room, 5 en-suite bedrooms, a main entrance hall, a winter entrance hall and a cloakroom, a laundry room with washing and drying machines, a south-facing terrace and a balcony. It also has an internet connection.

Покращений двомісний номер/номер Твін
Double or Twin room featuring wooden floors, a balcony with mountain views, and a bathroom with free toiletries.

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від  1200 CHF
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