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Residenze dell'Angelo, Locarno

Residenze dell'Angelo
Residenze dell'Angelo are located directly opposite the Dell'Angelo Hotel, centrally located at Piazza Grande in the centre of Locarno. It is just steps from the train station, shops and Lago Maggiore. Rooms all include free WiFi, a flat.

Опис номерів

П'ятимісний номер
This room includes free WiFi, a flat.screen TV with cable channels, a radio, safe and a private bathroom with shower and hairdryer.

Шестимісний номер
This room includes free WiFi, a flat.screen TV with cable channels, a radio, safe and a private bathroom with shower and hairdryer.

Чотиримісний номер
This room includes free WiFi, a flat.screen TV with cable channels, a radio, safe and a private bathroom with shower and hairdryer.

Тримісний номер
This room includes free WiFi, a flat.screen TV with cable channels, a radio, safe and a private bathroom with shower and hairdryer.

Двомісний номер
This room includes free WiFi, a flat.screen TV with cable channels, a radio, safe and a private bathroom with shower and hairdryer.

Люкс із 3 спальнями
This suite includes free WiFi, a flat.screen TV with cable channels, a radio, safe and a private bathroom with shower and hairdryer.



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від  50.35 CHF
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