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Zermatt Budget Rooms, Zermatt

Zermatt Budget Rooms
The Zermatt Budget Rooms are underground and come with free WiFi and TV, a 5-minute walk away from the Sunnegga Cable Car and the Glacier Express. A free shuttle service from Zermatt Train Station is offered during the day.

Опис номерів

Large Triple Room - No View
This room is spread over 2 floors: the bed and a seating area with a TV are located on the upper floor, while the bathroom with a shower, a separate toilet and the minibar are situated on the lower floor. The 2 floors are connected by a staircase. Please note that these rooms are located underground. There are windows, but no views.

Large Room With Kitchenette - No View
This unit is spread over 2 floors: the beds and a seating area with a TV are located on the upper floor, while the bathroom with a shower, a separate toilet and a small kitchenette are situated on the lower floor. The 2 floors are connected by a staircase. Please note that these rooms are located underground. There are windows, but no views.

Large Double Room - No View
Двомісний номер з 1 двоспальним або 2 односпальними ліжками, зоною відпочинку, диваном і кабельним телебаченням.



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