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Nendaz 4 Vallées & SPA, Ненда

Nendaz 4 Vallées & SPA
Surrounded by the impressive scenery of the Nendaz, Verbier, Veysonnaz, Thyon and La Tzoumaz Ski Areas, Nendaz 4 Vallées & SPA is right next to the ski lifts.

Опис номерів

Класичний двомісний номер
This room comes with a private bathroom with a bathtub and a flat-screen TV with cable channels. Entry to the spa and wellness area is included. Please note that this room is situated at the back of the hotel, without view, less sun and overlooking a wall. The room rates are based on 1 or 2 adults. Children can be accommodated for an extra charge (please see Property Policies)

Покращений двомісний номер
This room comes with a private bathroom with a bathtub or a shower, and a flat-screen TV with cable channels. Entry to the spa and wellness area is included. Please note that the room rates are based on 1 or 2 adults. Children can be accommodated for an extra charge (please see Property Policies)

Сімейний номер із балконом
This room comes with a private bathroom with a bathtub and a flat-screen TV with cable channels. Entry to the spa and wellness area is included. Please note that the room rates are based on 1 or 2 adults. Children can be accommodated for an extra charge (please see Property Policies)



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