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Bed & Breakfast Casa Almeida, Turbenthal

Bed & Breakfast Casa Almeida
Bed & Breakfast Casa Almeida is located amid a big garden with a playground, a 10-minute walk from the Turbenthal Train Station in the Tösstal valley. A buffet breakfast can be enjoyed every morning and lunch packs are available on request.

Опис номерів

Великий двомісний номер з 2 окремими ліжками та спільною ванною кімнатою
Spacious room with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. The bathroom is located on the corridor and is shared with only 1 other room.

Сімейний номер з окремою ванною кімнатою
En-suite room with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. Please note that the room rate is based on 4 guests, no matter the number of children or adults.

Невеликий номер з двома окремими ліжками та спільною ванною кімнатою
This room comes with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. The bathroom is located on the corridor and is shared with only 1 other room.

Двомісний номер з 2 окремими ліжками й приватною ванною за його межами
This room comes with free Wi-Fi and cable TV. The bathroom is located on the corridor, but it is not shared with other guests.

Номер Твін з окремою ванною кімнатою
This room comes with free Wi-Fi and cable TV and includes a private bathroom with a shower and bathtub.



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