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Pensione Olanda, Locarno

Pensione Olanda
Typical Ticino-style Pensione Olanda is 1 km from the Madonna del Sasso pilgrimage church, and features garden and a terrace, furnished with deckchairs and offering panoramic views of Locarno and Lake Maggiore.

Опис номерів

Double Room with shower & shared toilet
With free Wi-Fi and functionally furnished, this room offers panoramic views of the town of Locarno and Lake Maggiore. It includes a private shower and a sink, while toilet facilities are shared and located in the corridor. Some rooms also contain a balcony.

Двомісний номер зі спільною ванною кімнатою
With free Wi-Fi and functionally furnished, this room offers panoramic views of the town of Locarno and Lake Maggiore. It comes with shared bathroom and toilet facilities located in the corridor. Some rooms also contain a balcony.

Одномісний номер зі спільною ванною кімнатою
With free Wi-Fi and functionally furnished, this room offers panoramic views of the town of Locarno and Lake Maggiore. It comes with shared bathroom and toilet facilities located in the corridor. Some rooms also contain a balcony.

Двомісний номер з окремою ванною кімнатою
This double room features a lake view and private entrance

Сімейний номер з душем та спільним туалетом
Цей сімейний номер оснащений телевізором із плоским екраном.



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