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Hotel Post Sport- und Wellness, Samnaun

Hotel Post Sport- und Wellness
Located in the heart of Samnau, only steps away from the ski lifts and slopes, Sport- und Wellnesshotel Post offers rooms with a balcony and a flat-screen TV, 2 restaurants, a wellness area and a sun terrace. Free WiFi is available in public areas.

Опис номерів

Двомісний номер "Преміум" із балконом
Spacious room with a flat-screen TV, a balcony, a modern bathroom equipped with bathrobes and a wireless internet connection.

Покращений двомісний номер з балконом
These rooms are located in the main building above a dance club. Bass noises may be audible at times. The rooms have a balcony and private bathroom.

Стандартний двомісний номер з балконом - Додаткова будівля
This room is located in the annex building 10 metres from the main building. It has a balcony and a private bathroom. Please note that the room is located on the 2nd floor and there is no lift.

Покращений двомісний номер - Прибудова
These spacious rooms are located in the annex building 20 metres from the main building. They feature a private bathroom.

Покращений двомісний номер
These rooms are located in the main building and have a private bathroom and a wireless internet connection.



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