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Budget Hotel Alexander, Базель

Budget Hotel Alexander
The Budget Hotel Alexander is located right at the Messe Basel fairgrounds and the Congress Centre, a 7-minute ride from the centre of Basel. The tram stop is right outside. Free Wi-Fi is available.

Опис номерів

Сучасний одномісний номер
Street-facing en-suite room with cable TV. Extra beds are not available for this room type.

Modern Comfort Room
Номер з окремою ванною кімнатою. До послуг гостей кабельне телебачення.

Чотиримісний номер - Додаткова будівля
Room with 2 connected double bedrooms, cable TV and a bathroom. Extra beds are not available for this room type. Please note that this room is located in the adjacent building and can be reached via a terrace.

Напівлюкс з балконом
This suite has a balcony, seating area and flat-screen TV.

This suite features a tile/marble floor, seating area and minibar.

Класичний тримісний номер із балконом
This triple room has a balcony and cable TV.

Класичний одномісний номер
Room on the 1st and 2nd floor, facing the street.

Класичний номер Твін з балконом
This street-facing twin room has a satellite TV. Please note that the beds are separate and cannot be pushed together.

Класичний номер з ліжком розміру queen-size
This double room features a queen size bed and a cable TV.

Сімейний люкс з балконом
Rooms are 24 square metres. Please note that this room is located in the annex and is accessible via a terrace.



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від  105 CHF
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