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Hotel Excelsior, Zermatt

Hotel Excelsior
The renovated, family-run Hotel Excelsior is located in the centre of Zermatt. All rooms offer panoramic views of local mountains and free Wi-Fi internet access. French and Swiss cuisine is served in the La Ferme restaurant with a summer terrace.

Опис номерів

Одномісний номер
У номерах цього типу немає місця для встановлення додаткового ліжка.

Двомісний номер з балконом
This room features views of the old city centre and the Matterhorn.

Двомісний номер Делюкс з балконом
This spacious room features views of the old city centre and the Matterhorn.

Двомісний номер економ-класу
This room is north-facing and looks out to the village. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.

Напівлюкс з балконом
This Junior Suite is north-facing and looks out to the village. Please note that the room rate is based on 2 guests. Maximum occupancy is 4 guests (see Extra Bed Rates).

Люкс із видом на гору Маттерхорн
This suite is south-facing. Please note that the room rate is based on 2 guests. Maximum occupancy is 4 guests (see Extra Bed Rates).



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