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Arenas Resort Altein, Arosa

Arenas Resort Altein
Enjoying a quiet and central location between Arosa’s 2 lakes, Hotel Altein is only a few minutes’ walk from the train station and the Weisshorn Cable Car. It offers free WiFi and a large spa area.

Опис номерів

Тримісний номер з балконом
This room features a large balcony with excellent views of Arosa and the surrounding mountains.

Двомісний номер з балконом
This room features a large balcony with excellent views of Arosa and the surrounding mountains and a private bathroom including a hairdryer.

Стандартний двомісний номер
These rooms are facing north and offer views of the town centre at Obersee and the Arosa mountain transport system with the imposing Weisshorn in the background. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.

Стандартний одномісний номер
These north-facing rooms have a direct view of the town centre at Obersee and the Arosa mountain transport system with the imposing Weisshorn in the background. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.

Сімейний номер
This room has a direct view of the town centre at Obersee and the Arosa mountain transport system with the imposing Weisshorn in the background. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.

Сімейний номер із балконом
This room features a large balcony with excellent views of Arosa and the surrounding mountains. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.

Бюджетний двомісний номер зі спільною ванною кімнатою
This TV-free north-facing room have a direct view of the town centre at Obersee and the Arosa mountain transport system with the imposing Weisshorn in the background. The toilet and showers are on the corridor and used by other budget double room guests. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.



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