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Hotel Florhof, Цюрих

Hotel Florhof
The Florhof Hotel is an elegant, aristocratic house from the 18th century, which was family-run for 3 generations, located within walking distance to the historical centre of Zurich. It offers quiet surroundings, a terrace and free WiFi.

Опис номерів

Невеликий одномісний номер
This room is fitted with parquet flooring and provides a flat-screen TV, a safety deposit box and a bathroom with a hairdryer.

Двомісний номер Medium
This room is fitted with parquet flooring and provides a flat-screen TV, a safety deposit box and a bathroom with a hairdryer.

Двомісний номер "Гранд"
This room is fitted with parquet flooring and provides a flat-screen TV, a safety deposit box and a bathroom with a hairdryer.

Напівлюкс з видом на місто
This charming junior suite on the top floor is fitted with contemporary decor and parquet flooring, It provides views of the Old Town of Zurich and features air conditioning, a flat-screen TV, a spacious bathroom and a safety deposit box.

Напівлюкс з видом на сад
This junior suite on the top floor is fitted with parquet flooring and features a flat-screen TV, air conditioning, a safety deposit box and views of the garden. It also comes with a bathroom with shower, spa bath and hairdryer.



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