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Budget Waldhotel Unspunnen, Interlaken

Budget Waldhotel Unspunnen
Featuring free WiFi and free parking, the Budget Waldhotel is within a 20-minute walk or a 4-minute drive from the Interlaken-West train station. The common terrace offers fantastic view to the famous mountains Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mountains.

Опис номерів

Тримісний номер зі спільною ванною кімнатою
This room has a washbasin, and common bathroom facilities are on the same floor. Some have access to a big terrace or a small balcony.

Одномісний номер зі спільною ванною кімнатою
This room has a washbasin, and common bathroom facilities are on the same floor. Some have access to a big terrace or a small balcony.

Чотиримісний номер зі спільною ванною кімнатою
This room has a washbasin, and common bathroom facilities are on the same floor. Some have access to a big terrace or a small balcony.

Двомісний номер зі спільною ванною кімнатою
This room has a washbasin and free Wi-Fi. The shower and toilet are down the hall, and some rooms have access to a big terrace or small balcony.



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