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Seegarten Swiss Quality Hotel, Цюрих

Seegarten Swiss Quality Hotel
The Seegarten hotel is located in the elegant Seefeld district in the immediate vicinity of Lake Zürich, only a short walk from the famous Bahnhofstrasse and just a few steps from the Opera House.

Опис номерів

Двомісний номер Medium
This room comes with hardwood floors and a new box-spring bed, free WiFi, a flat screen TV and a small seating area. A private bathroom comes with shower or bathtub. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type. 1 baby cot is available on request.

Одномісний номер
This room comes with hardwood floors and a new box-spring bed, free WiFi, a flat screen TV and a small seating area. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.

Двомісний номер з 1 двоспальним ліжком або 2 окремими ліжками
This spacious room comes with hardwood floors, a new box-spring bed, free WiFi, a flat screen TV and a small seating area. A private bathroom comes with shower or bathtub.

Покращений номер з двоспальним ліжком розміру "king-size"
Beautifully designed Superior Room with a box-spring bed. Generously sized bathroom with daylight. Well suited for three guests or a family with sofa bed, work desk and sitting corner.

Малий двомісний номер
This room comes with hardwood floors, a new box-spring bed, free WiFi, a flat screen TV and a small seating area. A private bathroom comes with shower or bathtub. Please note that extra beds are not available in this room type.



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