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Parkhotel Delta, Wellbeing Resort, Ascona

Parkhotel Delta, Wellbeing Resort
Surrounded by a large park, ideally located between Ascona and Locarno and 1 km from Lake Maggiore, Parkhotel Delta offers an indoor pool, a seasonal heated outdoor swimming pool, a wellness area and an à-la-carte restaurant.

Опис номерів

Класичний двомісний номер
North-facing room in the main building, offering views of the surrounding mountains.

Двомісний номер Делюкс з балконом
South-facing room in the main building, with a balcony overlooking the subtropical park and the outdoor pool.

Напівлюкс з балконом
South-facing room on an upper floor in the main building, with a living area and a balcony overlooking the subtropical park and the outdoor pool.

Люкс з балконом
South-facing suite in the main building, with a bedroom, a living room, and 2 balconies overlooking the subtropical park with the outdoor pool and the tennis courts.

Класичний одномісний номер
North-west facing room in the main building offering views of the Pizzo Leone or the Monte Bré mountains. It has a private bathroom and air-conditioning.



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