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Sorell Hotel Merian, Базель

Sorell Hotel Merian
The Sorell Hotel Merian is situated right on the river Rhine, in the heart of Basel, offering you charming rooms with a Nespresso coffee machine.

Опис номерів

Стандартний одномісний номер
Rooms with cable and satellite TV, Nespresso coffee machine and a minibar. Please note that extra beds cannot be accommodated in this room type.

Стандартний двомісний номер з 1 двоспальним ліжком або 2 окремими ліжками
Rooms with cable and satellite TV, Nespresso coffee machine and a minibar. Please note that extra beds cannot be accommodated in this room type.

Покращений одномісний номер з видом на річку
These rooms have a big single bed and offer superb views of the Rhine River and the city. A Nespresso coffee machine is also provided Please note that extra beds cannot be accommodated in this room type.

Покращений номер Твін з видом на річку.
Rooms with cable and satellite TV, Nespresso coffee machine and a minibar. These rooms offer a superb view of the Rhine River and the city. Please note that extra beds cannot be accommodated in this room type.

Номер Твін Делюкс з видом на річку
This room features cable and satellite TV, a Nespresso coffee machine and a minibar.

Номер бізнес-класу з ліжком розміру "queen-size"
This single room features a minibar and satellite TV Please note that extra beds cannot be accommodated in this room type.

Стандартний сімейний номер
Сімейний номер з кабельним телебаченням, зоною відпочинку та диваном.



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