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Sorell Hotel Rüden, Schaffhausen

Sorell Hotel Rüden
Престижний готель Guildhall Rueden був збудований в 14-му та 15-ту століттях і став вдалим прикладом архітектури того часу. Вишуканий фасад дозволить Вам забути про 21-ше століття.

Опис номерів

Стандартний одномісний номер
Rooms with single bed, some have stunning views of the old town of Schaffhausen. Furnished with a desk. The furniture is made of antique wood and the bathrooms come with a shower, a hairdryer and toiletries.

Стандартний двомісний номер
Spacious rooms, some with views over the rooftops of the old town of Schaffhausen. Furnished with a desk and comfortable chair or armchair. The furniture is made of antique wood and the bathrooms come with a shower, a hairdryer and toiletries.

Номер економ-класу (без вікон)
The windows cannot be opened. The rooms have a day-light and air conditioning. The furniture is made of antique wood and the bathrooms come with a shower, a hairdryer and toiletries.

Покращений номер
The spacious and quiet rooms feature a safe and a desk. The furniture is made of antique wood and some of the rooms offer views of the old town of Schaffhausen. The bathrooms come with a shower, a hairdryer and Rituals toiletries.

Стандартний двомісний номер з 2 односпальними ліжками
The furniture is made of antique wood and the bathrooms come with a shower, a hairdryer and toiletries. There is also a safe and a writing desk.

Двомісний номер з пакетом послуг "Різдвяний"
This offer includes: - Homemade mulled wine on arrival - Accommodation in a room with festive Christmas decorations - Dried fruit and Christmas biscuits in the room - Buffet breakfast - Late check-out until 14:00 - Suggestions for Christmas activities by hotel staff



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