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Sorell Hotel Zürichberg, Цюрих

Sorell Hotel Zürichberg
The Design Hotel Zürichberg enjoys a quiet location that overlooks Zurich and Lake Zurich. Each rooms features a B&O TV and a Nespresso coffee machine. Wi-Fi is available in the entire hotel.

Опис номерів

Покращений одномісний номер з видом на озеро
Rooms facing the lake with a B&O TV and a Nespresso coffee maker.

Стандартний одномісний номер
Exclusively furnished rooms facing the forest, with a B&O TV and a Nespresso coffee maker.

Стандартний двомісний номер з 2 односпальними ліжками
Exclusively furnished rooms facing the forest, with a B&O TV and a Nespresso coffee maker.

Двомісний номер з пакетом послуг "Різдвяний"
Comfortably decorated Christmas Room with homemade mulled wine, Dried fruit and Christmas biscuits in the room, Sorell Breakfast, Late Check-out until 14.00 hrs and Christmas tips from Sorell hosts. The rooms are decorated in corporation with our partner Livique.

Номер Твін Делюкс з видом на озеро
This twin room features a seating area and air conditioning.



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від  256.5 CHF
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