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LUGANODANTE - New Look 2020, Тічино

LUGANODANTE - New Look 2020
Lugano Dante Swiss Quality Hotel is situated in the quiet Piazza Cioccaro, in the historical heart and financial district of Lugano. It offers free WiFi and free soft drinks from the minibars.

Опис номерів

Стандартний одномісний номер
Встановлення у цьому номері додаткових ліжок або дитячих ліжечок неможливе.

Двомісний номер
These rooms include free WiFi, free soft drinks from the minibar and a choice of pillows. Please note that extra beds and baby cots cannot be accommodated in this room type.

Двомісний номер Plus
This room offers free soft drinks from the minibar and a choice of pillows.

Двомісний номер Преміум
This room includes a Nespresso coffee machine, free soft drinks from the minibar and a choice of pillows.

This spacious suite has a soundproofing, minibar and air conditioning. Guests can benefit from WiFi, a minibar with soft drinks, Nespresso coffee machine, stay customization through MyPage - Voucher and discounts for tourist services. It is fitted with a double bed or two twin beds.

Сімейний номер
This room includes a minibar with soft drinks and stay customization through MyPage - Voucher and discounts for tourist services.



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