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World Center of the Anthroposophical movement, named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is in Dornach, Switzerland, in the territory of the canton of Solothurn. Anthroposophy - mystical religious doctrine, "the science of the spirit." Founder of the movement and designer Goetheanum Rudolf Steiner sought to create a model of the universe. The first center, built of wood and concrete in the early 20th century, was destroyed by fire. Immediately thereafter, began construction of a second reinforced concrete structures.

Innovative building with streamlined organic shapes without right angles many world architects praised. Swiss authorities amazing architectural structure was declared a monument of history and culture. The main element of the interior is unusual hall for more than a thousand places. Regularly held here show "Faust", the world premiere of which took place here in 1938. During the year, the Goetheanum hosts a wide range of conferences, theater performances, meetings and excursions.

How to get there: from Basel by train S3 or tram line number 10 to the station Dornach-Arlesheim, then bus number 66 to stop Goetheanum.


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