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Cathedral of St Nicholas

Cathedral of St Nicholas

Catholic Cathedral Nicholas of Myra is located in the old part of the Swiss city of Fribourg. Construction of this architectural creations in Flamboyant Gothic style lasted from 1283 to 1490 years. 

Decorative interior of the cathedral is very highlighted the richness and variety of elements. Its main portal is decorated with carved tympanum of the 14th century, which depicts a scene of the Last Judgment, and the statue of St. Nicholas, the Virgin and Child with the twelve apostles. On the high tower of the cathedral, which leads to the top of the spiral staircase, located in the oldest Swiss 13 bells. Preserved in the interiors of the rich finish. Here you can see the bench of the 15th century, the same old font. The cathedral is known for its strikingly beautiful stained glass windows. Also there is a large tomb. Today Fribourg Cathedral is very popular among tourists. You can visit the shrine every day and admission is free. 


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