All about
Valais canton:
Historyl Museum of the Chablais
1, Route du Château, 1896 Vouvry, Suisse
Ruins of the Gold Mine at Gondo
Hof, 3907 Zwischbergen, Switzerland
Prehistoric Grinding Stones
Zen Steckenstrasse, 3920 Zermatt, Switzerland
Medieval Settlement
30, Oberstalden, 3932 Visperterminen, Switzerland
Tower in Venthône
8, Rue du Château, 3973 Venthône, Switzerland
Maison D’Habitation
25, Route de Play, 1873 Val-d'Illiez, Switzerland
Old City, Neolithic and Modern City
20, Rue de Condémines, 1950 Sion, Switzerland
Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts and History Museum
12, Rue des Châteaux, 1950 Sion, Switzerland
Categories of the places